Monday 8 February 2010

Wiltshire Area Manager

With effect from today 8th February 2010 Steve Tayler is now the Wiltshire Area Manager.
Steve will be responsible for the management and development residential services and the domiciliary services that are currently run in Wiltshire.
Steve will continue to be the Registered Home Manager of The Willows and his time will be divided between here and Albion house.
We would all like to say congratulations to Steve on his new role.

Thursday 4 February 2010


We at The Willows are pleased to announce that Steve Tayler, registered manager of the home, has now completed his Leadership and Management Award.
Steve is a dedicated home manager, and The Willows has grown into a very professional service user centred home that is a pleasure to work in with his direction.


The Willows is a registered ASDAN centre which stands for "Awards Scheme Development and Accreditation Network " which enhances service users self esteem and aspirations through completing achievable and meaningful tasks to gain awards and work towards a more independent living lifestyle.
Grazina is here proudly receiving her first certificate for everyday living skills from Mercedes, support worker at The Willows, who is taking the lead on ensuring all service users have to opportunity to take part.